Just thought I'd give an update on Angel Quest. He is for all practical purposes retired. The people who claimed him from us have had no success racing him. They offhandedly asked if we wanted to buy him back, but we really can't afford to - we have one pensioner already. The owners are good people and will take care of him until they can make up their minds to give him to an adoption center.
As for our horses, we have one racing and doing quite well (Ambro Baroque). Ginny (who will probably be our last Florida-bred) turned one Jan.1, 2010, she is a big girl and I like her looks better than her sister Vickie. We are pretty sure she will make it to the stakes races - she certainly looks the part. And we have Natalie bred to an Indiana stud and a recently purchased mare in foal to a Pennsylvania stud. Both mares are due to foal in February. Plus good ole Scout, our retiree. He is such a good boy, I wish I had more time to spend with him. I think he misses the racing life even after 3 years. I'm glad we kept him. He is gentle and really likes people so he's great for the grandkids and other guests of the farm.
I've been thinking of making this a blog to inform people about the everyday racehorse owner. The big name owners & trainers make up a very small percentage of the horse racing world and people might like to hear our version.
By the way - Happy New Year?